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We Offer:


Please be advised that as of March 1st. 2010 Adults (18-24) are now required by state law to take a 6 hour Driver Education Course in order to be issued your Texas Drivers License!



Teen Driving Course

 We are currently only offering the Teen drivers Ed. 32 hours online. Once the permit is obtained, we can begin the driving lessons. The State of TX requires teens to hold their permit for a minimum of 6 months.

Adult Driving Course

We offer this mandatory class for Adults (18-24) and in just 6 hours you will be ready to receive your Texas Drivers License. Ages 25 and over are also accepted but NOT mandatory.

Driving Lessons

Never had your Drivers License? Or maybe you just don't feel as confident as you should feel when you're driving! Learn to drive with us. 2 hour sessions available.

Defensive Driving

You may have received a ticket and DO NOT want it to go on your record. Or your probably interested in receiving a discount on your auto insurance. Either way this 6 hour defensive driving class will provide you with a certificate which can be used for court and insurance purposes.


Tip: For every traffic ticket you pay, you receive 2 bad points on your DL record. Ask your judge for Defensive Driving!!



Note Pad

TPST Road Test

DPS Approved Third Party Skill Testing (TPST) for ages 16 and up. Teens 16-24 who completed a Teen Drivers Ed. couse must bring DE-964 certificate, Valid Texas Driving Permit held for 6 months and must be 16 years old, I.T.T.D certificate. 

Adults 18-24 must complete an Adult Drivers Ed. course, have a Valid Drivers Permit, and have watched I.T.Y.D. video and bring in the Certificate.

Adults 25 and up must have a valid driving permit, and have watched I.T.Y.D. video and bring in the certificate.

Want To Schedule For One of Our Courses?
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