We Offer:

Please be advised that as of March 1st. 2010 Adults (18-24) are now required by state law to take a 6 hour Driver Education Course in order to be issued your Texas Drivers License!

Defensive Driving
You may have received a ticket and DO NOT want it to go on your record. Or your probably interested in receiving a discount on your auto insurance. Either way this 6 hour defensive driving class will provide you with a certificate which can be used for court and insurance purposes.
Tip: For every traffic ticket you pay, you receive 2 bad points on your DL record. Ask your judge for Defensive Driving!!
TPST Road Test
DPS Approved Third Party Skill Testing (TPST) for ages 16 and up. Teens 16-24 who completed a Teen Drivers Ed. couse must bring DE-964 certificate, Valid Texas Driving Permit held for 6 months and must be 16 years old, I.T.T.D certificate.
Adults 18-24 must complete an Adult Drivers Ed. course, have a Valid Drivers Permit, and have watched I.T.Y.D. video and bring in the Certificate.
Adults 25 and up must have a valid driving permit, and have watched I.T.Y.D. video and bring in the certificate.