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State Authorized Road Test special price
$100.00!!(+$50 for car rental)
car rental for road test @dps office $250.00

We are now offering the State Authorized Road Test for both Teens and Adults with a valid Texas permit. Why wait weeks to even months for an appointment at DPS? Need your Road test done ASAP? Give us a call to schedule as soon as TODAY if available! 

Before taking the Road test with us, you will need to have the following:


  • Valid Driver's Permit (must beat least 16 and have held the permit for 6 months if ages 16-17)

  • DE-964 or ADE-1317 (completion certificate of driver’s ed. course NOT required if 25yrs or older)

  • IMPACT Texas Teen Drivers (ITTD) or if 18 and older IMPACT Texas ADULT Drivers (ITAD) certificate (you can click on IMPACT WEBSITE button below)

  • Proof of Insurance (if you will be using your own vehicle, you need to be covered by car insurance. NOT needed if you have rented Prime Time's vehicle to administer road test.)

  • 30 Hour Behind the Wheel Log (DPS Requirement if you took the teen course)

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST BE PRESENT- unless over 18.

  • Payment (We accept money order, cash, or credit/debit card. Credit/Debit card will inquire a 2.6% processing fee)


If you completed a Parent taught packet, the following items will also be needed:


  • DL-90B Behind the Wheel Instruction- Driver Education Affidavit

  • DL-91A Classroom Log

  • DL-91B Behind the Wheel Instruction Log (14 Hour)

  • Grey Instagram Icon


Business hours (office):

By Appointment ONLY

Monday - Friday  10:00am - 3:00pm

(Some days open until 5:00pm)

Driving Lessons Hours:

Mon & Wed  3:00pm - 9:00pm

Tues & Thurs 10:00am - 9:00pm

Friday 3:00pm - 7:00pm

Every other Sunday 10:00am - 6:00pm


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